Gregorious wrote:In the recently filmed videos (Emma Evans and later) they added a darker mat under the model. You can see the difference in this picture, with the original bright floor on the sides:
I believe they made that change after reading the critique here. And adding a darker mat under the model is exactly what some of us suggested. It's an improvement, maybe not as good as the brown wooden floor but still much better.
Good catch! I didn't notice that they had replaced part of the flooring, I thought they had fixed the lighting.

What matters is the end result, and it's much-much better than it was after the move to the new studio, so thanks for the suggestion and thanks to the team for following it.
danyduquette8 wrote:why give up the brown when we know that brown is the best choice?
I don't know if brown is the best choice, especially with so many dark-skinned ladies. Warmer tones generally suit intimate scenes more, than the cold blue/gray/white palette, but since the other Giorgio at LB decided to go flat white a decade ago, other producers have jumped on the bandwagon, and here we are. I think the current setup is more than acceptable. That said, I'd still love to have a scene shot in the dressing room, haha.
So who's next? Lore Hot? I was very surprised that they brought Zoe forward last week, even by delaying the release date. Or Zoe again?