Please delete my account

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Moderator: Raytech

Please delete my account

Postby camaban on Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:13 pm

To many assholes and idiots here on your board. Please delete my account.

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Re: Please delete my account

Postby robot on Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:03 am

camaban wrote:To many assholes and idiots here on your board. Please delete my account.


if i deleted my accounts everytime i thought the exact same thing, my delete key on the keyboard would be smoking hot. stick around, dont let them win
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Re: Please delete my account

Postby sbando on Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:00 am

Don't be silly, you're one of EBI big shots, please stay.
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Re: Please delete my account

Postby priapos on Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:14 am

For once i agree with our illustious admins :mrgreen: Seriously Cam, just ignore those prats & punters, they got nothing on you :wink:

Illegitimi non carborundum :P

BTW why did you delete all your Angel Pink posts? She reads her thread you know!
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Re: Please delete my account

Postby robot on Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:03 pm

camaban, you know that the flu aka annoying sicko is just a very unhappy man with mental problems - i dont even bother warning him or anything - but i can do that if you want. his current signature and recent posts are certainly grounds for that. alternatively you can put him on your 'foes' list or ignore list.

now, for the 'idiots' in general, i think you'll be hard pressed finding a place where they are not the majority, in the forum, or in the real world, so you d better be prepared :| lastly, we're all idiots at some point of time, but for some, mileage may vary.
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Re: Please delete my account

Postby camaban on Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:40 pm

Thanks for the nice words guys, you're all really great. priapos, we often had different opinions but never any kinfd of war. So also with a few others, like Gapelover or Redeye. But the flu aka annoying sicko seems to be something special. I only have criticized him for attacking a member who post information about an upcoming Digital Sin movie. Since then he permanently attacks me. Ok, I barked back, but I didn't start it. robot, you don't have to warn him, but I think I will have a longer break here (will read, but not post).
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Re: Please delete my account

Postby Mr_White on Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:49 pm


Hence I consider this topic can be locked and put elsewhere, if you don´t mind. If you do mind, please lmk via PM.
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