gapelover's and OneWhoKnows' trip to St. Petersburg

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Re: gapelover's and OneWhoKnows' trip to St. Petersburg

Postby Christoph Clark on Sun May 03, 2009 6:47 pm

OneWhoKnows wrote:Ok, first of all, please calm down people. Personally I think, if there are really problems between Christoph and the St. Petersburg based producers, they should clear them up themselves, behind the scenes. There's no need to do this on a public board, which a lot of people from the porn business read, too.

About the quality of the content produced in Piter: Personally I love a lot of that stuff, and I know quite a bunch of other people who enjoy it, too. So I guess that's a matter of taste. And actually I don't think you can compare high budget productions like Christoph's movies with productions that have a relatively low budget, like for example those of Russian producers. And guess what, these studios pay Russian rates because they are businessmen and have to think about their budgets. It's because of what their customers (website owners) pay them, which is far from a budget of an Evil Empire DVD production for sure.
For example, a webmaster has to pay around $1000 for an exclusive boy/girl scene from a Russian studio. From these $1000 the producers have to pay the girl, the male performer, camera guys, light/sound guys, makeup and rent for the apartement (which are VERY expensive in the city enter of Piter). So guess why they can't pay the models $1000 per scene.

So, if CC pays fees like that and flies the girls to Buda, because he has a high budget - fine. I don't see why both business models (Russian website producers and CC shooting high budget porn in Prague and Buda) can't work together. But even if there are problems, this board is not the right place to discuss them, because it'd be a private thing between CC and the producers who have a problem with what he does.

camaban wrote:What I really don't like about Russian porn is the fact that the Russian producers think they own these girls. But it's all about capitalism, who will pay the most, will get the service. How long will they need to get that?

Errmm... Who told you that? Do you know any of the guys who run studios in Piter? I don't. And I also don't know any of the girls personally, so as long as I only get my info from third parties, I don't write comments like that.

But well, as this discussion about working conditions in Piter is coming up in here again and again, I hope I can help clearing this up soon by visiting one of these studios (Teencore) together with gapelover.

again,,,and again,,,,i don,t want anybody to put my name close to probleme,,,,,i have got 2 russians girls in budapest,,,,juliana told me to give her agency to the girl,,,they have got 800 usd,,,and what??? this is a probleme to paid 800 usd with the agency inside for a girl who do anal???? shit every girls from europe cost more or less 600 euros,,place 20% agency,,,,, 720 euros,,,,and not nice like sasha and mandy,,,,also behind this girl was many story ,,,they shouldn,t be here in buda and etc,,,,,ok,,,now again finish the strorie,,,if they got less in st petersbourg maby is normal,,,,now sbando close this fucking storie ,,,and for me,,this is my last message for a long time,,,i have nothing to be here to try to explain myself,,iam just a small producer ,,,i have got bobbie star with 2 mans,,,1600 usd,,,and what,,,i have paid,,,everywhere price different,,and you want me to paid a russian 300 or 200 usd???? are you joking with me,,,,please finish to take my ass,,,iam not a kid,,,tank you gentleman,,,and again,,finish for me for a long time here,,,sorry sbando,,,where we are on the street talking with prostitute,,,sorry,,iam a gentleman and i deserve respect,,,
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Re: gapelover's and OneWhoKnows' trip to St. Petersburg

Postby chris on Sun May 03, 2009 7:25 pm

And who started all this SHIT?gapelover and his silly post :evil: a guy who knows nothing and he talks so much :evil: :evil:
he did the same with Robert Rosenberg in the old forum...

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Re: gapelover's and OneWhoKnows' trip to St. Petersburg

Postby Camarillobrillo on Sun May 03, 2009 7:34 pm

CC,we love you,we support you and we wait your movies and news!!!
please stay with us :wink:

I agree 1000% !!!

Christoph you are a real gentleman.
Reading your posts here talking about your stories and news is both an honor and a pleasure.
So, as chris said, please stay with us.
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Re: gapelover's and OneWhoKnows' trip to St. Petersburg

Postby xxaru on Sun May 03, 2009 8:41 pm

camaban wrote:zup is right. Good scenes have nothing to do with the budget. The ideas of the director, the male and female talent, the camerawork, the chemistry between the actors, ... are the important things. But in Russia they are incompetent in nearly all these regions.

I think you summed it up quite well there.

Look, I’m certainly no expert on Russian porn. But I think that a lot of the problem stems from lack of talent and girls that are in the biz for all the wrong reasons. I remember I called a girl in to do a shoot. I was talking with her before hand, and it was like she didn’t even like sex. I asked her flat out… “What is it you like about porn”? You know what her answer was, “Nothing”. I say, “So why the fuck are you here”? Her answer… “Because I need money”. How do you get a worthy scene from a girl like that? It would take real talent (from all involved).
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Re: gapelover's and OneWhoKnows' trip to St. Petersburg

Postby tatiscevo on Sun May 03, 2009 8:53 pm

xxaru wrote:
camaban wrote:zup is right. Good scenes have nothing to do with the budget. The ideas of the director, the male and female talent, the camerawork, the chemistry between the actors, ... are the important things. But in Russia they are incompetent in nearly all these regions.

I think you summed it up quite well there.

Look, I’m certainly no expert on Russian porn. But I think that a lot of the problem stems from lack of talent and girls that are in the biz for all the wrong reasons. I remember I called a girl in to do a shoot. I was talking with her before hand, and it was like she didn’t even like sex. I asked her flat out… “What is it you like about porn”? You know what her answer was, “Nothing”. I say, “So why the fuck are you here”? Her answer… “Because I need money”. How do you get a worthy scene from a girl like that? It would take real talent (from all involved).

But most of the russian, american, hungarian, czech, romanian...girls who do porn is because they are paid! Just a few one do porn because they love sex. Nothing new with that :roll:
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Re: gapelover's and OneWhoKnows' trip to St. Petersburg

Postby xxaru on Sun May 03, 2009 9:07 pm

tatiscevo wrote:
But most of the russian, american, hungarian, czech, romanian...girls who do porn is because they are paid! Just a few one do porn because they love sex. Nothing new with that :roll:

Yes, but there's a big difference between a girl who HATES sex and is doing it for the money (as in my previous example) vs the girl that enjoys sex and is doing it for the money.
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Re: gapelover's and OneWhoKnows' trip to St. Petersburg

Postby Mr_White on Sun May 03, 2009 9:12 pm

Now you guys see what some bitches (and I do not mean girls working in the industry) can do: Scaring the good ones away.

Hence: First of all I am pulling the plug here and close this topic. Not only because Christophé Clarke asked for it, but because I do not like sumshit like this turned out. If anybody wants to give questions to OneWhoKnows for his interviews, please do it via PM.
Second of all @ gapelover, this is not the first time that your moronic bitching around is making harrasment. But for sure this is the last time. And to make sure you understand me, I give you the "Harry Callahan" quote: "Go ahead and make my day!" :evil:

And @ all: RESPECT is the key in life. And you know what: Even here at this very forum this little word means something. At least as long as I am around.
CC is one of the very few porn producers who do respect those who work for him. I personally spoke to many girls with a huge porn "history". And you know what: All of them name Clarke as someone whom they trust. Think about it. And please: Do not make the mistake to make a "problem" out of that (like Mr. A******e gapelover did). Think straight: More than 95 % of porn producers do not give a damn shit about those who work for them (and literally work their ass off - mostly for the benefit of the producers, not for their own profit - just to remind you of that!). CC does give not only a shit but his big open heart to all the girls.
Of course he is a business man. BUT: He is one who understands and lives the word: RESPECT.

Thanks for tuning in.

Mr_White, over and out.
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Re: gapelover's and OneWhoKnows' trip to St. Petersburg

Postby sbando on Mon May 04, 2009 1:05 pm

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