OK, folks, registration comes now in two parts which needs you to do something.
First step (as usual) : Register yourself. Thus will create you an account. This account is (at that time) not active. Hence you need it to get activated. Which I will gladly do, once you are willing (and able - hello spambots) to take step two.
Second step: Within 48 hours after registration post in this topic (where you can post without being an activated member) and let me know a.) the username under which you registered yourself and b.) give at least one reason that shows me that you are a living human being with some decent interest in taking part in this forum.
Once you took steps 1 and 2 your account will get activated. If you "just" register, your account will be deleted without further comment.
old part of topic (not relevant for the registration)
Many people register and create themselves accounts over here.
Few of them are no spammers and get activated.
From this few only very few actually do contribute in positive ways (which would be: Posting!).
Hence a new rule in town: You managed to get your account activated? Fine. But do not bet that it will stay active once you decide to be a read only person. We don´t want read only persons, we want contributors. Registered new users who contribute will stay active. Newbies who do not contribute within the first - let us say - 4 weeks after activation will find their accounts deleted. And PLEASE: Useable content only. Comments like: "She is hot", "I am in love with her", "Does she do interracial" and so on do not count.
You wanna complain? Fine. That would also count as some kind of contribution. At least if you do it (the complaining) nicely.

Oh, and to avoid misunderstandings: This rule is for newly registered users only. It does not afflict accounts created before 2009.